What workout underwear is best for training: My choice

workout underwear
workout underwear

Ladies’ workout underwear is a special question for me

I work out in the gym and tried all that is possible, so what workout underwear is best for using!

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So what underwear is best for working out? Let me tell you, I’m the person that was doing sports since I was 8. From a ballet dancer to a gym “shark” as it is really difficult to quit sports when you almost grew up in that regimen. I’m used to higher exercise impact and I cannot imagine my life without it anymore. Technically, there was a time when I was 15 when I had to pause and I cried a bit…but that was just before I made a substitution to a gym.

During that time, regardless of my sports activity genre, I had to keep strict rules with the sports garment. Sports underwear was one of those that was to keep me fit and comfortable enough for any difficult act. I didn’t really have any color choice, so my clothes were always just black. Black is for those who keep it strictly professional. Unlike now, there is a whole range of rainbow colors to choose from. But out of my professional habit, I still stick to black even my sneakers are totally black.

What underwear is best for working out
workout underwear

Best bra for high impact exercise

A bra for sports is a very important point that shouldn’t be ignored. A good bra is basically a supporter of all your body corsets. This is why you need to have it and pay closer attention when picking it out. It doesn’t only suppress your breasts, but it also helps to prevent sagging because of high activity. Even if you have spine problems, you need it because it will also fix your back in the correct position.

A bra for high-impact exercise is not only for women who have ample bosom but for all women of any size. Since nature is still working out not in our favor, you might know the law of gravity, you may know it’s dragging us down. What you need to do is stand still and a good piece of sports underwear will keep you tight. I personally use this one that is inexpensive from Amazon.

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workout underwear

What is the best type of underwear for working out?

I know some women do not wear any underwear to a workout at all. I’m not a part of this since it’s not doing any good to your body in the long run. I like to feel tight and ready to perform my best without worrying about how I look like. Supposedly, I just cannot be bothered when I work out, so there is no time for me to think of my underwear. So I prefer to be reassured before I’m in the gym.

I never use fabrics like lace, satin, silk, and the type of thongs as these have proven to be the most uncomfortable for physical activity. Knowing how it feels during my gym workout, better save it for another occasion =) I like something organic so my skin could breathe through. It doesn’t always need to be expensive, so here is what I usually choose on Amazon.

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My favourite sneakers for thy gym

The only thing is to care about while doing sports is a high level of comfort. This is why I prefer a comfy sole for the best performance. I know that most people use Nike or Adidas, but I chose Puma. The feeling like you walk in heaven or cloud 9th is guaranteed. I wear Puma Echo Muse. These are good for the gym, running, walking, jogging, tennis, high level of intensity. Thank me later! I have those in black, but they are also available in white and grey over here:

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