June 9, 2024 | Filosofashion Fashion Blog
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9 Jun

Soft Summer Color Palette Summer Capsule Wardrobe – Aritzia Edition

Soft Summer Summer Wardrobe
Get this easy-to-complete summer capsule wardrobe ready for you Soft Summer Palette Aritzia Shopping Guide The soft summer color palette is normally, as we know it, characterized by muted, cool, and delicate hues that are reminiscent of the season when after a scorching hot day we suddenly have dark foggy grey clouds and it starts raining. Soft Summer is all about chilling the hotness down and clearing the air - the summer rain is so much needed to harmonize the day. Soft Summer is this cloud that transits to dimmer colors with cold wind in the air - and that is exactly what the soft summer palette looks like. These colors are often inspired by nature, such as soft dusty blues, dusty rose pinks,...
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Filosofashion Fashion Blog