June 18, 2024 | Filosofashion Fashion Blog
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18 Jun

Detailed Explanation Of Kibbe Theatrical Romantic Summer Outfits | A Complete Style Guide!

Theatrical Romantic summer outfits
Confused about your summer wardrobe if you're a Theatrical Romantic type? This article has the best suggestions! Theatrical romantics are closely similar to Kibbe Romantics with a few add-ons when it comes to their wardrobe. While you follow the same geometry as the KRs, there are a few adaptations. First, you are curvy with a sweet sharpness; Keeping that aside for a moment, let’s talk about theatrical Romantics and whether summer is the season for you!  The answer is an edgy YES! Your body type molds in every weather, whether it’s winter or summer. While the romantics represent “day,” you represent “the evening” and “coming dusk.” Romantics are floral. Their wardrobe is lush and out there. You, on the other hand, are a night blossom....
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