Feather Necklace: My Favourite Silver Jewellery

Are you wondering how to pick your Feather Necklace?
It’s a sign of freedom and inspiration, so learn how to choose it!
Ma’at Symbol was related to ancient Egypt, which meant the goddess of truth, justice, and order. Nowadays it can be considered as a symbol of freedom. Do you know such a person that would love a small gesture like this? I do! And it’s me 😉
For me, it’s always important that the quality of the jewelry is outstanding
I dislike wearing brass, so I chose silver. And if there were gold-made items too – I would take no doubt. Like this, I know that it’s not just a one-time thing, but a thing that I can wear for a long time.
I love it because it doesn’t require any other additional jewelry and needs not any specific set. It’s beautiful on its own and it totally worth the money. If you are still thinking about whether you need it or not, just take a look at the feathers I have found here:
My necklace (the one which you see hanging on me) is from Etsy. I love Etsy for their handmade exclusive things, those you really cannot find anywhere else. I really appreciate the craftsmanship and all the artist that take the time to make art with their hands and talent.
This is why I always try to support them + I also like exclusive and authentic things. This one is made of sterling silver and I am sure you will love it too!
The chain is also made of sterling silver, just make sure to clean it if it oxidizes on your skin within some time. A precious piece that I would even give as a gift to my mom or a female friend of mine.