Kitchener Essences Archives | Filosofashion Fashion Blog
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18 Sep

Classic Style Essence By John Kitchener: Style Your Wardrobe With Elegance, Poise, And Sophistication!

classic style essence
Are you wondering what Classic Style Essence is? This article has all the answers! Do you have an intense desire to dress more timelessly, elegantly, and gracefully rather than dramatically or sensually? Do you relate with women of historic royalty more than current-day women? Does Grace Kelly or Audrey Hepburn inspire you the most in terms of styling and fashion? Welcome to the classic style essence by John Kitchener! This style essence portrays balance, poise, and class. Mind you, it’s not boring or dull as is mostly perceived— dressing timelessly is all about sophistication, modesty, and charm.  Individuals with this style essence execute royalty— one look at their superiority is enough to notice how elegant, proper, and collected they always appear.  It’s not only an...
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30 Aug

Kitchener’s Dramatic Style Essence— How to style yourself without losing your persona!

dramatic style essence
Are you wondering what Kitchener's Dramatic Style Essence is? This article has all the answers! Unconventional, fearlessly savage, sincerely unbothered, and daringly dominant; that’s dramatic style essence for you.  Their eyes reflect power; their aura reverberates superiority. They walk, and people turn in awe; each step is confident and well-calculated. They speak, and people stop to listen. They have power over others; they stupify the crowd with their presence.  Women with dramatic essence represent glory; they sit on the highest hierarchy, and the world follows. That’s a woman with dramatic essence; she is successful, she is unabashedly unabashed, and she is the true definition of power and poise.  Cher often comes to mind when we talk about Dramatic style essence; she is the embodiment...
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12 Jun

The Natural Style Essence— How To Style Your Wardrobe?

natural style essence
Are you wondering what is the Natural Style Essence and how to use it for your own benefit? This article has all the answers! The natural style essence is probably the most undervalued in Kitchener's typing system. While in reality, this essence is what leads our current fashion industry!  They can pull off casual outfits with a strong statement. While others may seem 'basic' or 'boring' in a natural wardrobe, individuals with this essence bring life to the most mundane or simple outwears. Can you imagine Aishwarya Rai Bachan wearing loose-fit pants and a plain beige T-shirt? That wouldn't seem and feel right, would it? She looks very basic, boring, and underdressed in natural essence. Now, take Jennifer Lawrence in the same outfit, and...
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25 May

Gamine Essence— Styling eccentric outfits and mischievous French tuck!

gamine essence
Are you wondering what is Gamine essence and how to dress right for it? This article has all the answers you were looking for! When you think of Kitchener's Gamine essence, playful mischief comes to mind, like a cat pretty in all senses yet daringly savage and naughty - all transcended into fashionable outfits. Her face "screams" beauty, yet her aura has a mischievous smirk underneath.  That's precisely Gamine essence’s vibe. If you know anything about Kitchener's essences and his typing, it's all about the vibe you execute.  John Kitchener describes gamine essence individuals as cunning, calculative, slithery, rebellious, and rogue-ish. Mind you, they are not somber in any sense of existence like the dramatic essence— playfulness, fun, mischief, and whimsical energy runs deep...
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24 May

Romantic Essence— How to style your wardrobe and dress your body type?

romantic essence
Are you wondering what a Romantic Essence is and how to use the style right? This article has all the answers you need! Romantic essence takes you closer to what is called "mature sensuality", connecting you to your root chakra and flaunting appeal. This essence flows throughout your bone structure and is visible in your body and the overall vibe.  Individuals with a romantic style essence have a lifestyle endowed with glamor, extravagance, seduction, indulgence, and lavishness.  While others may seem pretentious and "wannabe divas" when styling themselves with glamor, individuals with romantic essence outshine the crowd with their grandeur and somewhat feminine demeanour.  Sensuality isn't only a "bold" body trait; its intensity runs deep within their souls. You can sense their sultriness whether they...
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18 Feb

Ingenue Essence: Stylish “Innocent” Personality & Vibe

Ingenue essence
Is Ingenue Essence about embracing your whimsical inner child's innocence? This article has all the answers! Individuals with Ingenue essence are inherently cute "dolls" with bubbly personalities layered with innocence and childlike whimsy. The words 'pretty' and 'cute' are the most heard compliments for their overall existence and aura. Their eyes sparkle with childlike curiosity, their voice is a harmony of giggles and soft notes, and their stature is warm, friendly, and inviting.  Kitchener defines Ingenue style essence as the small-scale Yin essence that's decorative and delicately youthful femininity. Visually, these individuals may appear petite and soft, with compact roundness and youthfulness. Their facial features remain agelessly young with baby-like physical features— small/round noses, big doe eyes, round/heart-shaped faces, rounded cheeks, and natural...
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31 Jan

Ethereal Essence: The Angelic Style Essence By John Kitchener

ethereal essence
Ethereal style represents unworldly glory and a mythical aura Like an angel in the luminesce sky or the woman ageless of her time. There's power, there's calmness, there's mysticism, and there's the mystery in her existence. Angelic clothing style portrays the calmness of the night, the magnificent heaven on earth, and the soul so old it speaks wisdom. Mythical creatures and the moon define her aura.  ethereal essence "Their eyes speak a thousand old tales,  Their angelic face… transcends unworldly peace. They walk with grace  And leave trails of  mystical energy behind them. One look at them,  and you are lost in the endless mystery of the cosmos." Poetic, aren't they? That's simply angelic people's essence.  What is the ethereal essence in the 7 Kitchener essences? John Kitchener describes Angelic style essence as the most...
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16 Dec

7 Kitchener Essences: Style & Personalities

7 Kitchener Essences
Are you wondering what the 7 Kitchener Essences are? This article has all the answers. We all want to personalize and style ourselves like the famous celebrities we see on magazine covers. This is where Kitchener Essences will come in handy. Today's fashion has become overly focused towards the 'trends.' However, have you ever come across the realization that this 'certain type of style' simply doesn't fit your overall personality, vibe, body type, and features, no matter how hard you try?  Well, because there's a reason behind it. Following the trends often forces us to wear an outfit that doesn't suit our body style or vibe at all. That's where style essences come into play!  They allow you to find your own style that simultaneously reflects...
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