How To Look Good In Pictures: Model Advice!

Were you wondering how to look good in pictures?
This article has all the answers!
Natural Lighting would be the best tool if you were asking how to look better in photos!
One of the most important keys to a beautiful picture is Lighting. It could be natural or artificial from a softbox.
My favorite is the natural Lighting of the day, and that can be early in the morning before the sun gets too sharp or after 5 pm when the sun will set down.
The last one works the best of all especially, during the spring/summer season. This is called the “golden hour” among all photographers.
During that day, the sun’s rays are very soft and continually enhance your appearance!
Use that light to your advantage to take photos where you will look the best!
How to look good in pictures if you’re not photogenic
To your big surprise, you do not need to be of a supermodel appearance to look good in photos.
What if I told you that anyone could look good in pictures with just any face or body.
The key to getting the perfect shot is your work with the eye and appropriate body posture!
The camera loves people when they try to”flirt” with the lenses.
“Flirting” with your camera will always show your confidence. Just try to make it as natural as possible. If smiling does not make you feel confident, don’t do it.
Otherwise, all your tension will show up in the picture, not what you what to achieve. Play with your eye and try to relax your jawline.
I know you want to pout like Instagram models, but pouting will not look great in any situation.
For the picture to look natural, release the tension from the mouth area and open it slightly, almost carelessly.
Just in case you were trying to become a model, here is how.