How To Model Pose: Recreate Gigi Hadid Photoshoot

Wondering how to model pose like a professional model?
Here this article shows and answers how
How to take your pictures without anybody’s help?
It would be helpful to understand how exactly you could recreate Gigi Hadid photoshoot if you watched a video:
Please note that it does not matter what kind of camera you will use at first.
Whether it is an android cellphone or a professional Canon camera, this is all only about your ability to enjoy what you do.
The most important thing is to start feeling comfortable using a camera as well as acting in
I personally use EOS Canon 600D (for self-portraits like these). It has been discontinued, so these are those that I would use instead:
At first, you need to test and understand where the best natural lighting is in your home.
I always find a place where the light has an obstacle to shine through.
The closer you get to the light (in my case the window) the better it will be for you.
Please mind that the lightning also depends on the weather, the season and the hour of the daytime.
For example, in winter it is almost always darker outside than in the summer.
But that would not mean that you cannot take pictures during the rest of the winter.
Right the contrary, I usually wait until the sun is shining right through the window and that is around 2-4 pm.
At that time, I always catch the sun and the perfect natural light. It does not mean that you have to do exactly the same.
Just notice when the sun rays
How to shoot with natural lighting at home
I use natural lighting in 2 ways
- I sit with the window behind me and place the camera right in front of my face. In this way, the light will smush and erase all your skin imperfections. For example, if you have small pimples or scars, they will vanish. This lighting will be like a natural Photoshop to your skin.
- If I have no possibility to do so and there is only the possibility to stand with half of my face in the light and the other half in the dark shadow then I would use the help of one softbox. So in that way, the strength of the lighting will be equal. By doing so all your face will be enlightened.
Now, that you have chosen your favorite place with good lighting, you need to place and locate the camera.
There is no urgency in a tripod or remote control when you are just starting to take your pictures.
I never used this equipment before I actually decided to start a blog.
You can absolutely do without any additional gadgets, it’s just you and the camera itself.
However, if you already own it or decided to go professional, feel free to check out what remote control I got myself for small pennies at the world’s famous retailer and what Soft-box that I cannot live without.
This is the inexpensive set that I use every day!
I really do not think that you need to start off like a pro and spend a lot of money when you are still learning and testing.
Just in case you want to become a professional model and learn how to pose professionally, read this article about my experience
Don’t forget to watch a video on how to pose like a professional model without any help.