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Your imagination becomes reality: law of attraction

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The Law of Attraction has been a topic of discussion for many years now since people started awakening more often.

When it comes to imagination, for some reason it is still being considered as something of a joke. Your imagination becomes reality and it has proven facts.

Nevertheless, few of you know that inner conversation creates your physical reality here in this 3D world.

If you agree that this reality that we live in looks like a “Mario” game only with better senses and abilities than you also should be able to look at it from a different angle.

Here we all think that we are personalities and awesome individuals.

However, nothing belongs to you even your own body.

We just rent it while we are here. It’s like a car or a place that you chose to live in.

It’s temporary, your body is going to disappear once you transfer your state of being to the other dimension.

So what is the point of reality creation?

The creation of the reality that you live in totally depends on your imagination.

The brain is the center of manipulation, it sends signals to your body and your subconscious mind.

This is why we need to filter the information that we consume daily since our brain is very receptive.

It plays scenarios of how it could be, happen or replay what has happened, or even start reproducing the scenarios of how you wanted it to happen.

Let’s say something bad happened and at night you replay it and then create another scenario of how you wanted it to actually happen.

By doing this you create another dimensional reality. Accordingly to which you will attract similar scenarios to your life.

Why is it important to be in a positive state of mind?

Some people create negative scenarios on purpose.

All because of influencers like a scope of information through news, horror movies, etc.

The conscious mind does not understand why it is happening but you keep on transferring this reality.

By losing the ability of hyper-receptivity to negative information you automatically lose the need for reproducing unnecessary actions.

Close your need for additional information with interesting books, videos, people, and your own interests that bring happiness.

Here…the law of attraction has been answered.

Do you even understand what I say?



Read more about Bible verses for Independence Day.

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