Libra Rising Appearance, Wardrobe And Style: Stylist Advice

Are you wondering what Libra rising appearance looks like and how to style it?
This article has all the answers!
Libra rising appearance, physique and character of the people of this Rising sign are significantly influenced by the mistress of the sign, Venus.
Venus endows Libra with a beautiful appearance (both women and men), grace, delicate taste, and an innate sense of proportion, harmony and balance.
Charm, attractiveness, good manners, sensitivity to everything beautiful – all this is characteristic of the natives of Libra.
Libra is an “airy”, mobile sign, not accidentally symbolized by balanced scales; – Easy on their feet, and loving the change in life, such people often travel and search for truth, beauty and love in life.
Strive to balance the spiritual and material in this world.
Achieve a balance between the inner and outer, as well as between your inner world and the people around you.
Being the personification of the 7th house of the natural zodiac, Libra is very partnership-oriented, tuned to seek harmony primarily in partnerships.
They strive to realize themselves outside. Friendships, partnerships and marriage are the foundation of their success.
They are sensual by nature and love comfort. They have good taste and love to surround themselves with beautiful things and beautiful people.
They know how to create their own environment and we can say that this is their strength. Libra is very sociable and, literally, cannot live without society.
They are sensitive, humane and at the same time able to lead the crowd and control it.
In Vedic astrology, unlike Western astrology, Libra is a sign of reformers, revolutionaries, prophets, idealists and fanatics.
I must say that these people love to bathe in the rays of glory (the Moon is the mistress of the 10th house), they are looking for an audience that could perceive their ideas, and they have a subtle instinct for the processes taking place in society.
Saturn, being in mutual friendship with the ruler of Venus, gives Libra a pronounced interest in politics. And often they really devote themselves to political activity, in which they sometimes reach great heights and even become famous leaders.
Often these are very creative people whom nature has generously endowed with artistry and a sense of beauty, and love for the arts.
They are aesthetes. Their actions give the impression of beauty and grace, combined with discipline, rigour and a sense of justice.
Ascending Libras are born diplomats, conciliators and negotiators. People of this sign are often talented and successful in business, trade and career.
They also make excellent lawyers, advocates, and networkers.
Their diplomatic abilities are manifested in the fact that they know perfectly well where and what, you can say how to behave correctly in a given situation.
Libra is characterized by a desire for equal communication with others, for peace and justice.
Love for art and good manners determine an elevated lifestyle and a certain aristocracy in behaviour.
Very sociable, Libra, however, at first they keep themselves at a distance from people and let few people into their narrow circle.
They are simply afraid of losing the balance, the balance between the external and the internal. In fact, they do not like to be alone and feel lost when they should rely only on themselves.
The weakened Sun, which is in its fall in Libra, makes Libra insecure. They often have doubts.
But this contributes to the fact that Libra is in constant search of better solutions.
These people are guided by the opinion of their partner, his reaction, they try not to infringe on the interests of others.
Their best quality is the ability to enter into the situation of another and understand his point of view.
Nevertheless, people ruled by this constellation are not averse to working for the public (as already mentioned, the Moon is the mistress of the 10th house), and therefore often “find themselves” in acting professions.
Thanks to their sociability and attractiveness, Libra often achieve success in life. They strive, one way or another, to leave a mark in the memory of people.
KEY CONCEPT: balance; finding the unity of opposites; focus on harmony.
FAVORABLE FEATURES: comforts; inspires; easily adaptable; positive attitude; diplomacy; the ability to see both sides of the phenomenon; a sense of style; elegance; equilibrium; grace; mediation talent.
Able to find objective solutions, weighing all the pros and cons.
ADVERSE FEATURES: inconsistency; too inclined to compromise; inclined to settle everything; avoids conflict and responsibility; manipulator; capricious; inefficient; indecisive; agrees with everyone; chameleon.
May be prone to daydreaming, “building” castles in the air, reluctant to take advice from other people, has a tendency to waste their resources.
Active, dynamic, usually extroverted Libra, but they do not like extreme sports and avoid conflicts. They experience rudeness, rudeness, shouting and scolding very hard.
They need love and inspiration in order to learn how to overcome one of their main problems as early as possible – the problem of choice and indecision.
Libra Rising Appearance
Ascendant – the highest point of the 1st house in Libra makes a person incredibly attractive and pleasant to talk to.
It radiates the light of warmth and goodwill, conducive to friendship and falling in love with himself with a sincere smile.
The native really avoids conflicts by developing diplomatic skills in solving problems in a peaceful way.
With the defeat of the Ascendant, it seeks to please the object of sympathy so much that it damages its own interests.
An innate sense of justice and a subtle artistic flair draws him to highly developed cultural people, even if, by the will of fate, he was born in lower social circles. In search of truth, he is stubborn, trusting intuition, and not the experience of others.
The owner of the Ascendant in Libra is well-versed in human psychology and appreciates the beauty of the soul no less than the external form.
A sense of style is manifested in the exquisite home furnishings, unusual colors of clothes, excellent manners and eloquence.
Appearance And Behavior
The native knows how to please and uses the gift of Venus with practical benefits.
It is easier to confront enemies with influential patrons and friends, but for the sake of their support, the carrier of the ascendant in Libra is often forced to compromise, sacrificing their own interests.
However, he will never tolerate outright humiliation. In this case, the seeker of the balance of good and evil will be reborn into a revolutionary, giving vent to anger.
This rarely happens because, with the negative aspects of Venus, the native adopts a policy of non-intervention or masters the art of duplicity, hiding real intentions.
Venus generously endows the ward with external beauty and internal charisma: tall, classic symmetrical features of an oval face; graceful ankles and wrists, a narrow waist, a slender body; a beautifully defined mouth, reminiscent of Cupid’s bow, with a slightly shortened upper lip; smooth, warm skin tone and melodious voice;
Eyes are bright, unusual shades – rich blue, green, golden brown; dimples on the cheeks, hair lush and heavy, slightly curly; charm and innate ability to sit beautifully, eat, drink, enjoying the admiration of others; gait is airy, graceful; skillfully combining individual items of expensive branded clothing, the native creates a personal style; in communication, an easy and pleasant interlocutor, with humour answering even tricky questions.
The owner of the rising Libra is an intelligent and enterprising person gifted with artistic abilities.
They don’t want to remain in the shadows for a long time, striving to achieve material success that allows them to build a life in accordance with high aesthetic requirements.
Rising Libra In The Female Horoscope
A girl with a Libra rising knows what power over men her beauty, bestowed by Venus, gives her. She pays special attention to the care of her appearance, which allows her to stand out from the crowd immediately.
Even for the sake of great love, which the owner of the Ascendant in Libra has been dreaming of since adolescence, she will not give up her career and become a housewife.
However, she loves to decorate the house with exciting things and art objects, updating the overall style according to fashion trends.
She is seductive, fashionable, and easy-going, and she is surrounded by fans, but her practical mind does not allow her to get close to the man she likes instantly.
She wants to be conquered, showered with flowers and given romantic evenings.
Interestingly, ascending Libra has a twofold effect on men: they like them to the point of losing their temper, or they cause a sharp rejection of the emphasized femininity of style.
The Venusian, as a rule, agrees with the chosen one in everything but will not compromise her principles. She will suit a solid and courageous representative of the ascendant Aries, Sagittarius and Leo.
They will be flattered to go out with a beauty queen with a sharp intellect and eloquence.
Professional success Owners of the ascendant in Libra succeed in the film industry, modelling, theatre, ballet, and music.
They are talented artists and photographers, fashion designers and artists. Success awaits the native also in jurisprudence, pedagogy, diplomacy, literature, and foreign and domestic intelligence.
Wardrobe For Libra Rising
People of this sign are doomed to be stylish. This is the most sophisticated, sophisticated and elegant sign of the zodiac.
It is from Libra that excellent fashion designers and designers are obtained.
They have a sense of style and beauty, as they say, in their blood. Libra makes purchases both by planning in advance and spontaneously (if they suddenly see a thing that they like).
For Libra, all impressions, people, and events become a kind of piggy bank, where they add ideas and images related to creating their own style. Expressing yourself is what really matters to Libra.
Creating an individual style for Libra is a creative act.
Perhaps they do not even notice that their manner of dressing is impeccable, and their sense of proportion and taste is worthy of all praise and can serve as an object for imitation. In clothes, accessories, shoes, and jewelry, Libra brings its own original touch.
But this originality is not defiant, it does not irritate or shock people.
Sometimes there is even a strange impression: the outfit seems to be shockingly bold, but it looks organic and elegant.
And just looking closely, you can see that the boldness of one detail of the costume is softened by the conservatism of another, or color, or something else.
Libra Winning Style
Libras are masters at creating complex ensembles. Where others do not even think of such a combination, Libra is on top. At the same time, unlike Aries, they will not arrogantly turn their noses up at clothing markets.
Libra can buy clothes anywhere. For them, the main thing is that it harmonizes with other things from their wardrobe and bears the stamp of style and originality.
Libra almost never listens to the advice of friends on how they should dress, they know that giving lessons to real professionals is, at least, pointless.
Libra at work, Libra dress formally, without trying to go beyond the generally accepted norms. But still, their costume is unlike the formal attire of other employees.
It is exactly the same and at the same time completely different.
Maybe due to a slightly more fitted style or a modified skirt length.
Super connoisseurs of style, Libra women wear headdresses inimitably. In a simple hat, they look as if they have just returned from the famous English races in Ascot, where ladies flaunt one before another in original hats, each of which is a masterpiece in its own way.
Libra is not fond of jewellery: there are few of them, but they, like clothes, bear the stamp of the owners’ individuality.
If only material possibilities allow Libra women, they buy original gold items from the world’s leading designers, as they are well aware that a gold ring from Tiffany or from Van Cleef and Arpel is a classic for all time and a standard of elegance.
Libra women wear less silver, but they like to buy interesting authors’ works in art salons, even simple metal jewellery.
Libra Rising Makeup
Libra women pay a lot of attention to makeup.
Since they are well aware of all the advantages and disadvantages of their own face (as well as figures), the primary task for them is to emphasize the winning parts of the face as much as possible and smooth out its flaws.
If a woman has a too big mouth, she will optically reduce it with a pencil and lipstick, if her prominent cheekbones spoil her, she will draw attention to her eyes, etc.
Her makeup can be different – from inconspicuous to catchy. But in any case, it will be in place and tastefully done.
Libra’s favorite colors are aquamarine, light lemon, green, dark blue. The only small drawback of Libras is that they are afraid to experiment with color. In terms of cut and style, Libra is a pro, but when choosing a color, it happens to make mistakes.
They know their weak spot and therefore do not take risks, most often they buy clothes in familiar colors.
Evening dress At parties and holidays, stylish Libra also does not change his taste. True, she may not look as stunning as the Lioness, dressed in a scarlet dress and draped in jewelry.
Libras are ready to sacrifice showiness and not shine in the first roles, but they will never give up their own style and personality. Being yourself is everything for them.
For a party, a Libra woman can choose a dress with an original cut, which has some zest, or jeans with a short jacket. But in any case, her outfit will look stylish.
The smell of Libra Libra loves refined warm and light scents. Too sweet and spicy are contraindicated for them. The floral scents of Libra are roses and freesias. Warm tobacco smells give them confidence and determination.
Perfume recommended for women – Digging (LANCOME), Venezia (LAURA BIAGIOTTI), Truth (CALVIN KLEIN), Miss Dior (CHRISTIAN DIOR).