
Color Palette With Yellow For Wardrobe And Style

color palette with yellow
color palette with yellow

Are You Wondering How To Put Color Palette With Yellow Within Your Capsule Wardrobe Together To Make It Look Great?

Join my discourse on the basics of combining the color palette with yellow and how to successfully integrate it into your everyday life and capsule wardrobe

Do you want to stand out from the crowd? This is a simple guide is to use yellow color in our wardrobe

Each of us knows from our own experience that yellow clothes are not very common on city streets. Often, yellow clothes are worn by very creative people who are not afraid to be in the spotlight.

The symbolism of yellow color

If red color from time immemorial has been a symbol of fire then yellow color is the personification of the sun, golden sun rays. Bright shades of yellow evoke extremely positive emotions, attract attention, and have a toning-up effect on the body. Scientists have proven that contemplation of festive yellow colors improves cerebral circulation, increases concentration and memory. And at the same time, muted, dull shades of yellow have a depressing effect, cause anxiety, and give the brain a signal of danger. No wonder the yellow color was chosen as the light signal of the traffic light like: “Stop, be attentive.”

Yellow flowers like roses, tulips, dandelions, etc. in a bouquet mean the upcoming breakup and even say about departure instead of words. Lemon chrysanthemums indicate sincere friendship and appreciation. If your spouse gives you such a bouquet then you shouldn’t think that he cheated on you. It will just mean that he is grateful for your love and devotion. But yellow tulips should alert you. While these are prejudices, they are still considered to be the messengers of separation. However, brides, despite all the superstitions, often choose yellow flowers for their bouquets anyway. Yellow is often associated with gold, which in turn is a symbol of power.

So, the golden color as a symbol of the Triumph of Orthodoxy is used in the vestments of priests during Sunday services, as well as on the days of the commemoration of the Apostles. Buddhist monks wear yellow hats during meditation. Some of the Buddha statues are made in the golden color as a symbol of power. If the players violated the rules of the game during the match, it is enough to raise a yellow card and the game stops. As for people who prefer yellow in their clothes they are optimists at heart, self-confident and friendly to others. Lovers of sunny shades are endowed with a rich imagination, creative, born aesthetes, and connoisseurs of fashion. These are ambitious people who always strive to be the first and move up the career ladder and they do it very well.

color palette with yellow

The range of yellow shades is wide and rich and also has cold and warm undertones so any color type can find a shade that suits the appearance.

  • Neutral yellow does not have a distinct direction: it is neither cold nor warm. In this regard, this shade is suitable for any color type and is in harmony with almost any color. It will significantly revive dark saturated shades of blue, green, brown, black. But neutral yellow becomes special in tandem with purple-red shades. He will be filled with the warmth he lacks, gains strength and positiveness. Neutral yellow is suitable for both summer and winter wardrobes.
  • Citrus yellows are among the coldest, so in and of themselves can cause anxiety and depression. But in combination with bright colors (red, blue), a lemon-yellow hue will emphasize saturation and contrast. It should not be worn by blondes, both pale-skinned and tanned. The citrus shade will play a cruel joke with them: the blonde hair color will acquire a grayish or even greenish tone, the complexion will become earthy, and the general image, consisting of even the most expensive things, will leave a feeling of simplicity and cheapness. But brunettes and brown-haired women, thanks to cold lemon shades, will seem bright and stylish.
  • Corn yellow color refers to pastel shades of yellow. This is a warm shade, so girls of autumn and spring color types can safely use it in their wardrobe. It can be used with the same warm shades – brick, tomato, marsh, light brown.
  • Soft and warm sandy yellow shade is universal and democratic. It is with him that bright colors are in perfect harmony: black, brown, blue, as well as the same delicate shades, for example, beige or coral. Sand-colored clothes are chosen when you do not need to stand out especially, but at the same time you need to look neat and solemn. That is why grooms choose sand suits: after all, the bride herself should be the star of the evening. If you have pale skin with a bluish tinge, you shouldn’t get carried away with sandy tones. If there is such a thing, use a bright accessory with it.
  • The curry yellow color is a rich, very warm autumn shade, similar to the color of a turmeric-based spice mix. This is a true autumn shade, capable of warming with its warmth on cold days. It is also combined with the same warm tones – brown, yellow-green, mustard. It should be used by girls of a warm color type, because it does not suit cold beauties.
  • Golden yellow shades become trendy almost every summer. They are very bright, so there can be no other accent in the wardrobe except for the golden yellow detail. If you chose a golden yellow top, then the rest of the clothes should be in a neutral tone. A warm and cozy shade will be relevant both in summer and early autumn, when yellow foliage rustles underfoot. In the first case, it will set off a golden tan, and in the second, it will give others a feeling of warmth and comfort.
  • The shade of mimosa is quite insidious, despite its lightness and tenderness. This is a rather cold shade, and he can turn a blonde of a spring color type into a tired, emaciated lady who looks older than her years. But dark-skinned brunettes and white-skinned “summer” blondes will look like summer queens in a mimosa-colored dress. This shade will transform them for the better.
  • Lime yellow or yellow as chartreuse is a mixture of yellow and green colors. The shade got its unusual name from the name of the liqueur drink of the same name, obtained from nuts, rhizomes and medicinal herbs. Chartreuse comes in green and yellow, and the difference between the two is the percentage of green. The yellow chartreuse, accordingly, has a greater expression towards the yellow pigment. Unlike classic yellow, chartreuse has a special effect on the subconscious: this shade brings a feeling of calmness and trust. This is used by PR agencies, luring buyers with signs with a background of a calm yellow tone with a noble green. If you want to make a good impression on someone, wear a chartreuse shade.
  • The beige yellow color is intermediate between pale yellow and pink. It mimics the color of human skin or light hair color, therefore it is perceived as neutral. It will literally merge with the girls of the spring color type, and will be lost in the “autumn”. A winter girl with a bright appearance can afford to wear pure beige clothes, but in general, they are used as background or as accessories.

Who can use yellow color in clothes?

In principle, a girl of each seasonal color palette type with the help of the yellow type will be able to emphasize her natural colors. But still, you have to follow certain rules so as not to ruin everything.

Winter beauties should stick to cool shades of yellow such as lemon or chartreuse. Their beauty will be even brighter thanks to these frosty tones. It is better for them to choose warm shades of yellow as accessories.

Shining warm shades of yellow will suit delicate spring beauties. They can opt for sand, corn, golden tones. They’ll stop low contrast girls from Hollywood movie stars, so their looks will shine.

Cold summer beauties should pay attention to cold light tones: mimosa, pale yellow, vanilla.

The autumn color type assumes the presence of the same warm warming shades – curry, golden yellow, corn. They can be safely combined with other shades from a warm color palette.

Also, you have to understand whether you can use all the right yellow combinations in your upper and lower bodies. It might be color correct for your skin but still unflattering if your body shapes if it is not perfect hourglass shape. Especially it concerns those that have an ampler bottom-like pear body shape. So that would mean that bright yellow pants will not be the best choice for your bottom line because they can make you look bigger than you are. And this is what we are trying to avoid when constructing the perfect wardrobe.

Please consult your body shape guide first:

All combinations of yellow color with other shades in clothes

With the help of different shades of yellow, you can create different images that personify a particular state of mind. It is beautiful both by itself and in combination with other shades like black, blue, red, pink.

  • Yellow and black. Yellow is a symbol of cheerfulness and warmth, black is the personification of sadness, darkness and sorrow. Nevertheless, in tandem, they look harmonious, complementing and enhancing the impact of each other.
  • Yellow and Blue. A blue jacket is the perfect complement to a chartreuse dress, while navy blue trousers and a mustard shirt are a great match. The duo of blue and yellow is as elegant as the combination of yellow and black, but it doesn’t look so formal.
  • Yellow and white. The combination of yellow and white looks gentle, cute and very summer-like. The image is airy, light, not involving heavy jewelry and massive bags.
  • Yellow and brown. In nature, this combination is quite common: leopard print, chocolate cupcake and egg cream, yellow-brown fallen leaves. The combinations can be anything you like. Tie a dress of a chocolate shade with a lemon-colored belt, tie a yellow scarf over a brown coat. In any case, you will become the standard of elegance.
  • Yellow and gray. With this combination, you need to remember the rule: cold shades are combined with cold, and warm with warm. Then the effect will be incomparable. Otherwise, the warmer color will overshadow the cooler background.
  • Yellow and purple. Tandem of yellow and purple will be a great evening or cocktail option. It is bright, but at the same time noble and elegant.
  • Yellow and red. In nature, the combination of red and yellow is quite common. In clothes, such a duet is not so common due to the brightness of the image. But for the summer, party or holiday, he will be the best choice. Want to look elegant in a yellow and red dress? Match it with a black or white accessory.
  • Yellow and green. Delicate translucent shades of young greenery and sunbeams will give an unforgettable, exciting summer look. But with the help of more saturated shades, you can make an expressive combination of chartreuse-style outfits. It all depends on the tastes and preferences of the fashionista.

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