Soft Summer Vs Soft Autumn Or Why You Can Pull Off Both
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6 Feb

Soft Summer vs Soft Autumn Or Why You Can Pull Off Both Seasonal Palettes

How can one wear Soft Summer and Soft Autumn at the same time?

Good question, right? This article will explore and explain what you need to know

Understanding color palettes is essential for anyone who wants to make the right choices about their clothing, accessories, and even makeup.

In this article, I will delve into the world of soft summer and soft autumn color palettes – two distinct palettes that can enhance your personal style and bring out your natural beauty.

But, the question is very tricky here. How to determine whether you are a Soft Autumn or Soft Summer if both of those seasons and their palette look so similar?

Isn’t it just all about the pastel shades?

soft autumn color palette
soft summer color palette

Key Takeaways

  • Soft Summer and Soft Autumn are two different color palettes that suit different skin tones and personalities.
  • Identifying your skin tone is crucial to determine which color palette suits you best.
  • Soft Summer colors are cool, muted, and subtle, while Soft Autumn colors are warm, pastel, and semi-rich.
  • Soft Summer clothing and accessories look best in pastel shades, while Soft Autumn clothing and accessories look best in warm, deep hues.
  • Mixing and matching colors in Soft Summer and Soft Autumn palettes requires a good understanding of color theory and personal style.

The Basics of Soft Summer and Soft Autumn Color Palettes

The soft summer palette consists of cool-toned colors with a muted undertone, while the soft autumn palette features warm-toned colors with a warm and earthy undertone.

The main difference between these two palettes lies in their undertones – cool versus warm.

Soft summer colors tend to have a bluish or grayish undertone, while soft autumn colors lean towards muted and golden undertones.

The Key Characteristics of Soft Summer Color Palette

Cool UndertonesColors have a blue or gray undertone, rather than a warm yellow or orange undertone.
Muted ColorsColors are not overly bright or bold, but rather have a soft, muted quality.
Low ContrastColors have a low level of contrast between them, creating a harmonious and cohesive look.
Soft and SubtleColors are gentle and understated, rather than bold or attention-grabbing.
Natural and EarthyColors are inspired by nature and have an earthy quality, such as soft greens, blues, and grays.

The soft summer color palette is characterized by its cool undertones and muted shades. It consists of colors that are reminiscent of a hazy summer sky or a gentle breeze on a cloudy day.

Soft summer colors include delicate pastels such as dusty pinks, lavender, periwinkle blue, and soft grays.

These colors create a soothing and sophisticated look when worn together or paired with neutrals like ivory or taupe.

The Key Characteristics of Soft Autumn Color Palette

In contrast to the soft summer palette, the soft autumn color palette embraces warm undertones and earthy hues.

This palette is inspired by the changing leaves of autumn and the cozy feeling associated with this season.

Soft autumn colors include rich shades like deep orange, mustard yellow, olive green, and deep burgundy.

These warm tones create a sense of comfort and warmth when combined with other earthy hues or paired with neutrals such as cream or chocolate brown.

What If You Can Pull Off Both Soft Summer And Soft Autumn?

For this analysis to be done I will analyze Ellen Pompeo and Elizabeth Hurley.

They both have been previously typed as Soft Summer color palette types.

And of course, we will have to see how much of a myth it was.

soft autumn vs soft summer color palette
soft autumn vs soft summer color palette

Let’s see how they can be both Soft Autumn and Soft Summer.

How could that be possible?

soft autumn vs soft summer color palette

Of course, I always start with the grey color test. As Ellen Pompeo was maintained as a Soft Summer – she must look deliberately magnificent when it comes to the grey color.

They need to be one – and merge into coherency.

And why do I say that? It’s because we have already seen on this blog that we do have specifically and exclusively a Soft Summer type like we did with Bella Hadid.

Also at the same time, that’s not it, because we do have a type that will sit between the transitional palettes. We will talk about it later.

So if you are an exclusively Soft Summer type – grey must be your own talisman of colors.

Also, at the same time, there are many shades of grey. So how will that work?

colors that go with grey clothes

We can go from light grey to medium and from there to very deep anthracite grey and almost black.

That will obviously correlate with your skin tonality.

If your skin tends to be rather of a neutral undertone – during the times when your skin looks pale – take one test first (from light to deep and dark grey) and during the bronzing time – another test (also from light to dark).

What will that give you?

You will test your greyness coherence with your skin undertone. You will know which grey color fits you at which time of the year.

Normally when the skin is bronzed – the grey colors suit the best from very to medium in value, and when it’s pale it goes better from medium to dark grey.

If it does look odd at all times – you’re not any of the exclusive Soft Summer nor the Soft Autumn types.

In the first example, we can see Ellen Pompeo looking magnificent in the grey color. What’s the catch here?

She is a bit of a bronzed – so thing light-medium grey looks so refreshing in contrast to her warm-looking skin.

soft autumn vs soft summer color palette

In this other example, we can see her having no bronze and in fact her sin is very light.

The deep dark grey and that grey-ish-looking jacket (black to precise covered with silver embroidery – creating grey color visually) look very good on the contrast as well – the contrast of pale skin and dark color of the color.

So far I like how it all works with Ellen. And one might really conclude that she is indeed a Soft Summer.

soft autumn vs soft summer color palette
soft autumn vs soft summer color palette

And here is a little bit of Soft Autumn palette on her. Doesn’t it look very well?

Yes, it does.

And most of you will say, that once Soft Summer is neighboring with Soft Autumn – they will automatically share colors with each other.

So if you saw her wearing Soft Autumn colors first, how would you be able to identify that she is Soft Summer?

Wouldn’t that be a confusion?

If you say that, well, Soft Summer should have a bit of greyness to their appearance.

You are a Soft Summer if your appearance has low contrast in colors.

For example, your skin tone, eye color, and hair tone are in the same color palette, which is ashy/dark.

They all blend together perfectly and don’t stand out too much.

In this example, we see rather earthy tones of color, and there is no specific inclination to the greyness in the appearance.

So does it make her a Soft Autumn instead?

soft autumn vs soft summer color palette
soft autumn vs soft summer color palette

She looks stunning in Soft Autumn beige and golden shades and this mustard yellow definitely doesn’t look off on her as it would normally do on a Soft Summer cool undertone.

soft autumn vs soft summer color palette
soft autumn vs soft summer color palette

Here we can see clear white – high contrast to her appearance and alongside we see pastel yellow. Both look very good on her.

soft autumn vs soft summer color palette

Here as well, a crispy white looks absolutely beautiful in contrast to her appearance, and pay attention to the fact that she doesn’t need to be tanned for that. Her skin is absolutely white.

In this pastel beige dress – she also thrives.

soft autumn vs soft summer color palette
soft autumn vs soft summer color palette
soft autumn vs soft summer color palette
soft autumn vs soft summer color palette
soft autumn vs soft summer color palette

And on top of all of these colors – she can also pull off pitch-black and very dark colors.

Can she wear other very bright colors like Bright Spring, perhaps?

soft autumn vs soft summer color palette
soft autumn vs soft summer color palette
soft autumn vs soft summer color palette
soft autumn vs soft summer color palette

And yes, she definitely can wear Bright Spring. If you pay closer attention – she doesn’t need to change her skin warmth for that.

So she can wear Soft Summer, Soft Autumn, and high chromatic colors as well as Bright Spring which is warm and clear (high intensity and chroma).

What does it make her?

If you are a Soft Summer exclusive – you cannot pull off all these colors Ellen is wearing like Bright Grassy Green, Indigo Blue, Mustard Yellow, etc.

Let’s even see if she can transition to the canon Autumn palette – the True Autumn.

soft autumn vs soft summer color palette
soft autumn vs soft summer color palette


Have you seen someone transition so much without even any specific effort?

That needs to be an In-transition type. Ellen Pompeo can wear Soft Summer, Soft Autumn, True Autumn, and even Bright Spring.

An In-Transition Type: What Is It?

The Soft Summer and Soft Autumn types are factual and seasonal “neighbors” in addition to being transitional.

The owners of which will jump from one color palette to another one just by virtue of being “in transition.”

The skin undertone in both seasons will be very similar or even the same, and it will be warm and cold at the same time.

And the contrast will jump from low to medium at most.

This is what we call a “neutral” skin tone that will lean towards warm if Autumn and cold if Summer, and sometimes being right in the middle if you tend to jump quite often.

This is especially helpful for people who cannot find their seasonal type, and both gold and silver shades fit them well.

One more example of a similar type who can wear Soft Summer and Soft Autumn

soft autumn vs soft summer color palette

Elizabeth Hurley – Grey color test – passed.

soft autumn vs soft summer color palette
soft autumn vs soft summer color palette

Grey and silver definitely look very good on her skin. Does it make her a cool type automatically? Let’s see.

soft autumn vs soft summer color palette
soft autumn vs soft summer color palette

We can compare the silver and golden shades here – it’s a matter of taste of everyone. But definitely, I cannot say that gold looks dd here.

soft autumn vs soft summer color palette

Looks like both these Soft Summer and Soft Autumn palettes look very on her.

soft autumn vs soft summer color palette
soft autumn vs soft summer color palette

High-intensity and clear colors are very congruent with her essence and appearance.

soft autumn vs soft summer color palette
soft autumn vs soft summer color palette
soft autumn vs soft summer color palette

We cannot argue that these colors are Bright Spring colors – they are high in chroma and definitely, these are not native colors of any of the Soft palettes.

All these colors of Soft Autumn vs Soft Summer + Bright Spring work so well with her personality. It also defines her essence – she is a DIVA.

And for that, she is also an In-transition type – and that is why she cannot be an exclusive 1 color palette type like Soft Summer.

P.S.: Check out Soft Summer Misconception and Angelina Jolie’s color palette

Choosing Makeup Colors for Soft Summer and Soft Autumn Skin Tones

Choosing makeup colors that complement your skin tone is essential for achieving a cohesive look that enhances your natural beauty.

For those with cool-toned skin in the soft summer category, opt for makeup shades like rosy pinks for blushes, cool-toned browns for eyeshadows, and berry shades for lipsticks.

These colors will harmonize beautifully with their complexion while adding subtle definition to their features.

On the other hand, individuals falling into the soft autumn category should gravitate towards warm-toned makeup shades.

Choose blushes in peachy or coral tones, eyeshadows in earthy browns or bronzes, and lipsticks in shades of burnt orange or deep red.

These colors will bring out the warmth in their skin tone and create a natural yet radiant look.

Which Color Palette is Right for You?

When it comes to choosing between the soft summer and soft autumn color palettes, there are a few factors to consider.

Firstly, take into account your skin tone – whether it leans more towards cool or warm undertones. This will help guide you towards the palette that will complement your complexion best.

Secondly, consider your personal style and preferences. Do you gravitate towards pastel hues and cooler tones?

Or do you find yourself drawn to earthy colors with warm undertones?

Understanding your own aesthetic can help determine which palette resonates with you on a deeper level.

Ultimately, don’t be afraid to experiment with both palettes! Mixing elements from each can create unique looks that reflect your individuality.

The most important thing is to have fun exploring different color combinations and finding what makes you feel confident and beautiful.


What are Soft Summer and Soft Autumn color palettes?

Soft Summer and Soft Autumn are two color palettes that are based on the seasonal color analysis system.

Soft Summer is a cool-toned palette that includes muted, soft colors, while Soft Autumn is a warm-toned palette that includes rich, earthy colors.

What are the differences between Soft Summer and Soft Autumn color palettes?

The main difference between Soft Summer and Soft Autumn color palettes is their undertones.

Soft Summer is a cool-toned palette with blue undertones, while Soft Autumn is a warm-toned palette with yellow undertones.

Soft Summer colors are muted and soft, while Soft Autumn colors are rich and earthy.

How do I know if I am a Soft Summer or Soft Autumn?

To determine whether you are a Soft Summer or Soft Autumn, you can take a seasonal color analysis consult with a professional color analyst.

Generally, Soft Summers have cool-toned skin with blue or pink undertones, while Soft Autumns have warm-toned skin with yellow or peach undertones.

What colors are included in the Soft Summer palette?

The Soft Summer palette includes muted, cool-toned colors such as soft blues, grays, lavenders, and pinks. It also includes some neutral colors such as beige and taupe.

What colors are included in the Soft Autumn palette?

The Soft Autumn palette includes warm, earthy colors such as olive green, rust, mustard yellow, and burnt orange. It also includes some muted, neutral colors such as beige and brown.

The Best Colors for Soft Summer Clothing and Accessories

When it comes to clothing and accessories for those who fall into the soft summer category, it’s best to stick to cool-toned pastels that complement their skin tone beautifully.

Soft summer individuals can opt for outfits in shades like dusty rose pink paired with light gray trousers or a periwinkle blue dress matched with silver accessories.

These combinations create an elegant yet understated look that highlights their natural beauty.

The Best Colors for Soft Autumn Clothing and Accessories

For those who belong to the soft autumn category, embracing warm-toned earthy hues is key when choosing clothing items and accessories.

Soft autumn individuals can experiment with outfits in shades such as mustard yellow paired with olive green pants or a deep burgundy sweater matched with tan boots.

These combinations exude warmth while still maintaining an air of sophistication.

soft summer vs soft autumn
soft summer vs soft autumn
soft summer vs soft autumn

Iryna Fedorchak

[email protected]

Throwing my fashion & color philosophy like confetti ;)

Filosofashion Fashion Blog