Ectomorph body type celebrities: Dress, Diet & Workout

Are you wondering what an Ectomorph body type is and how to deal with it?
I got your back with these responses!
An ectomorph is a body type that is prone to thinness. Usually, people of this type are very thin and are above average height.
A characteristic feature of ectomorphs is also a small muscle mass, which looks quite prominent.
With its small joints and waist, it is difficult to blame the ectomorph for storing fat for the winter.
The fact is that this type of person has a very high metabolism and therefore the problem of fat is completely absent for them, even if they lie on the couch all day long.
However, ectomorphs have a very serious problem – their high metabolism prevents them from gaining large muscle mass.
The following signs will help you accurately identify an ectomorph:
- Long, lean limbs
- General thin constitution
- Small joints
- Thin waist
- Angled narrow shoulders
- Protruding bones
- The minimum amount of subcutaneous fat
Ectomorph body type celebrities
Ectomorphs may look skinny, but they might have more body fat than one would think.
Some famous female ectomorphs include:
- Taylor Swift
- Kate Moss
- Cameron Diaz
- Charlize Theron
How to dress for an ectomorph body type
An ectomorph is resemblant to a rectangle body shape. So let’s see how to dress the right way for this body:
I recommend avoiding too oversized clothes like these that are so trendy this season.
Like this, you have a big chance to ruin all the shapes, which is not the goal to reach.
The goal is to emphasize and maximize the assets that you already have. The ideal body that we are looking to recreate is an hourglass shape.
While you are still trying to get on a diet or sculpt the perfect curve in the gym, here is my list of how to make your body look the best:
Preferences for the top for an ectomorph body type
- To define your body and enhance it to the maximum, I would use a bright color (T-shirt, blouse, shirt, tunic). That would best if you could create a contrast between the top and bottom.
- Be sure you wear a precisely fitted and enhancing bra. That might make a massive difference in your overall body shape.
- Choose a jacket, blazer, coat that will create an accent on the waist. That might be a button at the waist or a belt. By doing this, you will create an hourglass shape.
- To emphasize the geometry, you may add padding to your shoulders.
- Pay your attention to halter neck tops which will add more volume to your top.
Preferences for the bottom for an ectomorph body type
- My first best option will be flared trousers. They can be flared from the waist as well as a knee. This type of trousers will not only shape your bottom but will also make you look taller. Try to pair it up with a slight heel or platform wedges.
- A-line skirts work well, and a tight skirt/trousers that highlight the curves that you possess.
- A knee-length pencil skirt or a dress will highlight the curves. You can match it up with classic heels or knee-length boots.
Always remember the “how to dress for a rectangle body shape” rule!
If you make your top loose and flared – the bottom needs to be fitted and calm.
And vice versa, a flared base-fitted top.
Ectomorph body type meaning
Fluctuations in mass in ectomorphs are usually characteristic only in the direction of decrease.
This happens when the ectomorph has to work with increased energy expenditure or switches to a diet with insufficient calories.
P.S.: Check out this wonderful tip for those who love to have “cheat days” – McDonalds gluten free menu. Enjoy 🙂
In this case, the few fat stores that could have accumulated are very quickly consumed.
Such processes are undesirable for this type of human body, and cardio loads are considered almost contraindicated.
The productivity of bodybuilding in ectomorphs is much lower than in other types, an increase in muscle mass occurs only after prolonged hard training.
However, even in this case, the muscle volume does not reach the mesomorph level.
The complexity of bodybuilding, in this case, consists in the need for a strict high-calorie diet, since otherwise, the lack of nutrients multiplied by a high metabolic rate will lead to “self-destruction” – the body will begin to eat itself, eating most of the muscles obtained in training.
However, in everything negative, you can always find a fraction of the positive.
The fact is that in an ectomorph, a noticeable muscle relief under the influence of resistance training appears almost immediately, but the other two groups (endomorph and mesomorph) are forced to train hard and limit themselves to food in order to obtain such a result.
In addition, although the joint structure of ectomorphs is often an obstacle to strength and vigorous sports, they nevertheless tend to excel in endurance exercise, due to their typical increased proportion of slow-twitch muscle fibers.
Based on the above, there are several more features typical for ectomorphs:
- Ectomorphs have high energy levels, which makes them prone to hyperactivity and restless behavior. In some cases, people of this body type are prone to insomnia.
Overeating ectomorphs are not threatened, since they very quickly digest the food that has entered their bodies.
For ectomorphs, a high-carbohydrate diet is indicated, since their body does not store carbohydrates in the form of fat deposits, but transforms them into energy.
- Ectomorphs withstand prolonged loads, requiring a large amount of energy (CrossFit, marathon …).
- Despite the optimally selected complex of physical activity, ectomorphs have difficulty gaining and maintaining their weight and muscle mass.
- P.S.: Check out these wonderful tips on weight loss gym routine for women.
The most problematic property of an ectomorph is the difficulty in gaining weight. No matter how much he eats, a person still remains thin.
Due to their structure, in bodybuilding, it is very difficult for them to climb higher than the lightest weight classes.
During the off-season, they may lose some muscle mass, but not gain overall weight.
To be successful, they need constant hard work, high self-discipline, and specific nutrition.
Ectomorph body type nutrition
- It is not easy for skinny people to build muscle. This is their natural feature.
The problem is compounded by the fact that the traditional high-protein diet of a bodybuilder is not suitable for ectomorphs.
More precisely, they need protein, but the main emphasis should be placed on something completely different: carbohydrates and fats.
And you need to figure out what is more important for you – carbohydrates or fats.
Try increasing your carbohydrate intake first, and still limit yourself to fat. If that doesn’t work, do the opposite – eat fewer carbs and more fat.
At this point, muscle growth will definitely move from a dead center.
If this happens, then it turns out that your body is genetically “programmed” for the energy processing of fats, not carbohydrates.
An ectomorph needs to eat on a strict schedule to gain weight.
This is the most difficult thing for him. Ectomorphs almost never have an appetite, and therefore they are used to eating rarely 2-3 times a day and in small portions.
If you are counting on gaining weight and muscle mass, you should break this habit and eat more often – 6 times a day.
You should have 3 main meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) large portions, and 2-3 snacks.
An ectomorph needs to eat on a strict schedule to gain weight. This is the most difficult thing for him.
Ectomorphs almost never have an appetite, and therefore they are used to eating rarely 2-3 times a day and in small portions.
If you are counting on gaining weight and muscle mass, you should break this habit and eat more often – 6 times a day. You should have three main meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner), large portions, and 2-3 snacks.
Approximate diet for a person weighing 65 kg:
– Breakfast: oatmeal 150 g (dry), egg whites 6 pcs., Juice.
– Snack: nuts, protein drink.
– Lunch: buckwheat 150 g, fish, vegetable salad.
– Snack (ideally 40 minutes before training): gainer/protein drink.
– Dinner (ideally 30 minutes after training): pasta 200 g, chicken breast 150 g, tomatoes, herbs.
– Snack: kefir.
Diet for an ectomorph body type
The ectomorph’s rapid metabolism often makes it difficult to gain weight when following more traditional dietary programs.
The ectomorph’s diet should consist of high-calorie foods rich in protein and carbohydrates.
Ectomorph can adhere to less strict dietary rules compared to other body types since its metabolism is not prone to biosynthesis.
Thus, for an ectomorph, the amount eaten is more important than the composition of the products.
Ectomorph body type workout
The main problem of a young ectomorph is impatience. We understand that we want to come to the gym and gain muscle mass as quickly as possible, become strong and muscular.
But if you are new to weight training, then take your time to jump straight to professional programs. First of all, you must strengthen your ligaments and joints.
We have already considered this topic earlier. We highly recommend that you study this material – this knowledge will help you avoid many troubles in the future and protect your ligaments and joints from difficult-to-treat diseases.
Ectomorphs need to slow down their frantic metabolism in all possible ways.
First of all, you should minimize physical activity and conserve energy.
People of this type need to learn how to relax. The best option is sleep.
The nature of the body tends to resist this, but you need to accustom yourself to sleep a little longer, sometimes introducing a couple of hours of nap into the daily routine.
Stress and anxiety are good sources of energy consumption.
That is why ectomorphs are contraindicated to be nervous. There are many stress relief techniques that can help you both in life and in your workout.
The best option for peace of mind is meditation (yoga).
Training for this type of person should be intense. Long-term loads are not suitable for an ectomorph, therefore, the shortness of time spent in the gym is compensated by the increased dynamics of training.
A good rest between workouts is also required.
Since ectomorphs do not need to burn fat, a training program for them is made without aerobic and cardio loads. The maximum that you can afford is 15-30 minutes, 1-2 times a week, as a general health exercise.
In order to be in good shape, an ectomorph needs a high-calorie content. That is why his diet must be specially selected, and it is strictly forbidden to skip meals.
Due to the deficiency of its own fat, the diet must necessarily contain foods containing healthy fats: salmon, peanut and flaxseed oil, nuts, and seeds.
The best diet for an ectomorph is a high-carb diet. He needs a maximum of carbohydrates, of which the percentage should be at least 50-55%, another 30% are lean proteins, and 15-20% fats.
At the same time, you cannot eat everything, as you can simply drive your stomach.
The fact of the calorie content of food should not overshadow the issue of food quality. Everything requires a head and measure.