Soft Natural Vs Soft Classic Kibbe Body Types
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27 Feb

Soft Natural Vs Soft Classic Kibbe Body Types

Are you wondering what the difference between Soft Natural vs Soft Classic is?

This article has all the answers!

Kibbe’s system is a big scary web! An even bigger paradox is you are lost with and without it! 

Even when you understand his Yin and Yang balance, there’s a high chance you will get stuck while choosing the perfect type for yourself in his 13 sub-family abysses, especially if you have stumbled somewhere between Soft Natural and Soft Classic.

Sitting on the same spectrum, Kibbe’s Soft Natural and Soft Classic body types can be extremely confusing for many individuals.

Their physical similarities melt and blend into each other so closely that it becomes difficult for individuals to choose where they actually belong. 

Both the body types might have the same height, vertical length, and a yin face.

soft natural vs soft classic

In Kibbe’s system, the main families, Natural and Classic, sit beside each other, so the confusion is quite valid. 

Of course, there’s a difference, which can make or break your style game. 

“Art is all in the details.” 

Kibbe’s system and why is it necessary?

Although Kibbe’s system was a body-positive revolution, it left many individuals confused or confined.

The little distinction and definition between the 13 Kibbe body type sustem further make people feel lost in their own bodies. 

Initially, Kibbe’s system can appear like a big ol’ scary maze with no definite answers.

It’s important to note that it’s a good thing Kibbe’s not the answer to all your questions. 

It’s simply a base-level system that allows you to adapt and accept your natural body shape and idealize a new wardrobe that doesn’t box you inside the so-called “idealized hourglass body.”

To this day, many individuals, including multiple celebrities, continue to fit into an “hourglass shape” with their non-romantic body types. 

Note: There is a Larson’s System for those who cannot fit into Kibbe’s typing. There you can be 2 – 3 types at the same time.

Kibbe’s system allows you to accept and compliment your best features without hiding your natural body.

It lets you recognize your silhouette and understand what best suits you and what doesn’t work for your body. 

Kibbe, coupled with Kitchener’s essence theory, can really allow you to find your own essence, body type, and thus a wholesome wardrobe that compliments your body beautifully.

Soft Classic vs Soft Natural

Kibbe’s natural body type sits on the yang spectrum and is concluded as “mostly yang.”

On the other hand, Classic is the balance between the yin and yang spectrum and sits in the middle of the five style families. 

Please note: Kibbe has recently removed Pure Classic from his system because he believes no individual is a perfect balance of Yin and Yang; they all either gravitate towards the yin or yang spectrum anyway.

Soft Natural in the three natural style types gravitates towards the yin/yang balance. On the other hand, soft Classic gravitates solely toward the yin spectrum. 

This shift does allow us one keen observation. Soft Natural is “soft yang” with little trace of yin undercurrent. Soft Classic is “yin” with a little yin/yang balance sprinkle. 

Let’s discuss both the style archetypes in detail to understand where you actually belong between the two of them! 

Soft Natural Kibbe

Many individuals hate to be called a yang beauty because it’s often associated with masculinity.

soft natural vs soft classic

That’s probably why everyone wants to fit into the ‘yin’ spectrum, whether Romantic, Theatrical Romantic or Soft Gamine.

In Kibbe’s or any other style system, Yang is not entirely masculine, and Yin is not solely just feminine. 

Yang and Yin are both feminine— all beautiful in their own mesmerizing ways. Yang is fierce; Yin is sensual! 

With that in mind, Soft natural sits on the yang spectrum with a casual and romantic undercurrent.

Unlike the Dramatic body type that’s dominating, the soft Natural style is freer in nature and goes with the flow. 

Soft Natural is represented and well-known by the term “width” because their upper body width is their key physical characteristic. 

Again, this width doesn’t mean masculine; it means you have broad/open wide shoulders and an upper torso.

This width creates a rectangle-shaped silhouette with soft/blunt edges for the Soft Natural individuals.

To determine your style, this width comes first into consideration, followed by the ‘slight curve’ that naturally comes to soft natural because of their yin undercurrent. 

Still confused? Here’s a detailed introduction to Soft Natural’s physical attributes. 

Physical characteristics of Soft Natural

Your Kibbe’s body type is defined by three major elements— bone structure, body flesh, and facial flesh (full facial features). Soft Naturals have “soft yang” bone structure, “yin” body flesh, and “yin” facial flesh. 

soft natural vs soft classic

If you are unaware of the terminologies, here’s a brief: 

  • Sharp Yang: Prominent verticality, sharp edges, elongated bodies with no defined waist. It creates sharp geometric shapes such as pointed rectangles. 
  • Soft Yang: Unlike sharp Yang, Soft Yang has no pointed edges. Instead, it’s well known and recognized by blunt or soft edges with a rectangle-shaped silhouette that’s round around the edges. Another key feature of “Soft Yang” is their broad shoulders and visible openness in the upper torso. They don’t have a very elongated body, but some verticality is still visible. 
  • Yin: Prominently known for their gentle or subtle roundness with a wave-like curving line and a petite structure. 
  • Lush Yin: It’s characterized by a full sphere/circle. Lush Yin embodies roundness and softness with no pointed edges. It can never create a wave or a Z with its curving line. Their curving line has to be a defined S or 8. Lush Yin is known for its visible flesh and the hourglass figure. 

By these terminologies, Soft Naturals have blunt but broad shoulders and soft but broad facial features with visible flesh and subtle roundness or fleshiness around the hip, thigh, and arms. 

Soft naturals generally have a subtly fleshy body on their blunt rectangle silhouette(Angular but blunt). 

Please note: While evaluating, Kibbe doesn’t take “face” as a determining factor of your body type.

Rather, he focuses on how a fabric engulfs/compliments an individual’s body. However, don’t let it stop you from analyzing your face type and lines to help you identify your image ID! 


Unlike Flamboyant Natural types, the Soft Natural body type is shorter in height with minimal or subtle verticality (it can be a short vertical line).

soft natural vs soft classic

They are usually taller than the yin body types but smaller than Dramatics (Sharp/soft) and Flamboyant Naturals. 

Their limbs don’t give away an elongated look; their upper body and lower limbs don’t have a striking ratio either. 

The average height for Soft Naturals can vary from moderate to slightly shorter. They fall somewhere between 5 ft 5″ to 5 ft 6″. 

In conclusion:

  • They have an angular body with blunt edges. 
  • Broad shoulder and bigger upper torso. 
  • Slight waist definition that creates a subtle wave-like curving line. 
  • Short or average limbs, but some can have elongated legs. 
  • Rectangle shape with round corners. 
  • The facial bone structure has a blunt contour with a broad length and square jaws. 

Body flesh

Your bone structure isn’t enough to determine your body type. Since the Soft Natural body type has a yin undercurrent, they will have visible fleshiness, especially around their arms and thighs. For this, many consider Soft Naturals to be romantics as well. 

soft natural vs soft classic

For a fact, you can add romantic style to your essence, but your broad width should first influence your style since that’s your dominant trait. 

This flesh is also visible on your face, waist, and hips. 

  • Your face would generally have high but full/fluffy cheekbones. 
  • The flesh in your hips and thighs, along with the slight curve in your waist, does allow you to have a gentle hourglass shape sometimes. 
  • Your arms are heavier and full in appearance, not lean or muscular. However, the flesh on your arms and the broadness of your shoulders can help you come across as muscular and fit. 

Please note, your most determining factor is your dominating trait. For instance, just because Soft naturals have a curving undercurrent, it doesn’t make them verified romantics; they remain soft naturals. 

Similarly, just because a Soft Classic has a subtle waist, it doesn’t make them verified soft naturals.

Soft Classic’s determining factor is their balanced body ratio, not their moderate height or waist. 

Kibbe Soft Natural body type outfits

Soft naturals have a free, outgoing essence— they are known to be fun-loving, outgoing, and very casual. So, their wardrobe will be complimented with a similar vibe. 

Soft natural clothes aren’t too tight or too loose.

According to Kibbe, too tight or loose clothes wouldn’t compliment someone with Soft naturals.

soft natural vs soft classic

Too-tight clothes can distort their overall appearance, and too-loose clothes can hide their key features.

So, clothing that isn’t too tight or loose will look best on someone with a Soft Natural body type.

This type of clothing provides a little definition to the waist, which is perfect for Soft Naturals.

It gives their silhouette a beautiful shape without hiding their gentle wave-like curving line. 

Since Soft Naturals have a romantic undercurrent, they are often defined as “a fresh and sensual lady.”

Fresh signifies their free and outgoing soul; sensual signifies the subtle flesh enhancement on their body. Together, they create a beautiful harmony.

So, it’s true that Soft Natural can wear a romantic essence, but it should be subtly present. 

For instance, a maxi sundress that loosely wraps around their waist with a deep neckline is perfect for Soft Naturals. 

You would look beautiful in flowy, unstructured, and soft clothes that loosely wrap your body to provide a little definition to your silhouette. 

Light and Airy Fabrics

Since Soft Naturals are associated with their free and outgoing nature, heavy or structured material wouldn’t compliment their body. 

soft natural vs soft classic

The best fabric choice for Soft Natural clothing would be airy and flowy fabrics that allow them to move freely.

So, avoid a lot of frills and details in the neckline or sleeves of your dress. 

Soft Naturals are also associated with an artistic spirit, so fabrics with artistic prints and a rough finish will enhance their essence. 

Fabrics such as suede, boucle, and laces all have a rough surface, thus, wildly complimenting their essence.

Soft fabrics may include Crepe De Chine, and viscose will create some of the best flowy dresses for Soft Naturals. 

SNs bottoms

Soft Naturals have a fleshy hip area, so clothes that wrap their hips gently would look best on them.

After subtly wrapping the hip, the dress/skirt/bottom can fall softly over their remaining silhouette. Avoid clothes that enclose or restrict your legs, such as long pencil (bodycon) skirts or tight pants. 

Instead, if you want to wear a long skirt, let that skirt have volume and visible airiness.

soft natural vs soft classic

The soft fabric will reduce the stiffness around your legs and allow your walk a certain freedom to walk freely. 

Pants: The same goes for pants; they can subtly engulf the hip area and then flow down the length with ease. 

Skirts: Flat skirts with minimal flare would look lovely on you. Avoid an exclusive flare or too many frills in your bottoms, though. 

SNs Sleeves

This can really change your game. You don’t want restricted sleeves or bottoms in your closet— they should fall gently over your arms.

Butterfly, Kimono, bell, or cuff sleeves with visible looseness around the arms are the best choices for someone with Soft naturals. 

Avoid overly fitted levees; they will make your arms and upper torso appear bigger and out of place. 

Overall Soft Natural outfits outlook

You want to aim for something that’s easygoing and full of freedom.

Too many details in your clothes might seem forced or unstructured on your figure. So, minimal clothes with dainty details would best suit your figure, whether it’s an evening party or a date. 

Of course, you can always have details and extravagance in your appeal, but that should be done nonchalantly. 

Jewelry and accessories. 

Again, subtle or minimal jewelry is your playground. However, this shouldn’t stop you from being creative with your choices. Soft Naturals are often known for their wild choices in detail. They often prefer and slay unconventional accessory choices. 

Their designs reflect and endow nature and its essence. So, intricate designs such as the moon, stars, cosmos, leaves, and flowers are common in SNs. Some mesmerizing choices for Soft Naturals are gemstones, artistic selections, or antique jewelry. Your body naturally gravitates toward them. 

Soft Naturals Hair and Makeup

Long hair compliments Soft Naturals; it brings them closer to nature. A short haircut or a haircut with many layers may look artificial and unflattering on Soft Naturals because it pushes them away from their natural essence.

So, long, flowy hair best suits individuals with Soft Naturals. 

soft natural vs soft classic

Just like their dresses and cloth choices, their hair should also have natural waves and bounce.

They can pull off a messy hairdo, but it shouldn’t be too messy like the pure naturals. It should be subtle and minimal, as if playing with the wind, not in the ring. 

You can keep your hair as it is or adorn it with loose braids— braids really bring out the best in SNs.

With braids, SNs can even pull off a messy low bun—natural hair colors or colors inspired by nature, such as auburn or muddy brown best suit SNs. 

The same goes for SNs makeup; it should be subtle and close to your natural beauty. Too bold makeup will ruin your overall persona that’s calm and easygoing in appearance.

It wouldn’t suit or compliment your face either, which is undeniably calm and relaxed. 

So, subtle makeup with nude color palette and lip gloss is really the best choice for you! It brings out elegance in you. 

Now that we have discussed Soft Natural in detail. Let’s see how it contradicts Soft Classic on so many levels despite having so many celebrities. 

Soft Classic Kibbe

Proper, balanced, elegant, and proportional are some of the popular adjectives used for Soft Classics or Classics in general.

A soft classic body type is exclusively the physical embodiment of all these adjectives— well-defined, balanced, and proper. 

soft natural vs soft classic

Soft Classic is neither too Yang nor too Yin— it stands somewhere in the middle. So, their symmetry and balance always make them appear elegant and classy.

These adjectives will further reflect in their personal clothing style, which we will discuss ahead in the article. 

Unlike Soft Naturals, which is inherently casual, Soft Classic is termed as proper at any given time.

That’s the key difference in their overall aura, appearance, and, thus, their style.

Soft Natural and their body-type flow with air; Soft classics embody discipline and class. So, they are strikingly opposite despite having too many similarities. 

Come to think of it, Soft Natural and Soft Classic only share a few similarities, such as their height and subtle fleshiness, but both of these characteristics aren’t the dominant trait for the said body types. 

For Soft Naturals, their key feature is their width. For Soft Classics, their key feature is their balanced body shape that’s neither too wide nor too narrow.

At first glance, it’s difficult to determine your body type if you are Kibbe’s Soft Classic.

The balance in their overall look confuses individuals. However, it also becomes a predicament for Classic individuals.

If you are neither too Yang nor too Yin, you are probably a Soft Classic.

This shouldn’t stop you from being sure of your body type, especially if you are a soft classic. 

Soft Classics would normally appear balanced. However, they do have a romantic undercurrent in their body type. So, the flesh may sometimes confuse people. 

Let’s discuss SC’s physical attributes in more detail to avoid or completely dismantle your confusion. 

Physical characteristics of Soft Classics body type

As said, your body type is identified using three main elements: Bone structure, body flesh, and face flesh.

soft natural vs soft classic

While Soft Natural and Soft Classic share the same body flesh and face flesh, their bone structure creates a big contrast between the two. 

Soft Classic’s bone structure isn’t defined by their upper-body width or broad shoulders.

Their body shape is very much in harmony with the rest of their body. 

Soft Classic’s bone structure is balanced, i.e., neither too Yang (sharp) nor too Yin (soft).

  • It’s balanced with a moderate height (Not too tall or too short)
  • Their shoulders align with their hips, unlike the Soft Naturals, who have broader shoulders than their hips. The alignment allows SCs to have a more defined wave-like curving line. It’s not overly hourglass but is well-defined and proper. 
  • Unlike Soft Naturals, who have broad and open Shoulders, Soft Classics have tapered or sloppy shoulders. 
  • Soft Classic’s shape cannot be called angular with blunt edges. It’s the perfect amalgamation between a rectangle and a circle. 

Height and overall bone structure

Soft Classics cannot go beyond 5 Ft 6 inches— going beyond that limit would be considered “Dramatic Classic body type” instead of “Soft Classics.”

The same goes for the rest of their body; it’s neither short nor long. 

Soft Classics have moderate limbs and cannot hold or display traces of verticality. It has to be balanced. 

  • Another key difference between soft classics and soft naturals is their facial bone structure. Soft Naturals have visibly broad face contours and a square/rectangle face shape. 

Such is not the case with Soft Classics; their face has a small bone structure with zero broadness. It’s soft, fleshy, and small.

Their face can have a small oval or heart shape. 

  • Soft Naturals don’t have symmetry in their body; it’s very asymmetrical. However, Soft Classics portray disciplined symmetry in their body. It’s very much visible! 
  • Instead of appearing muscular or fit, they tend to have a delicate appearance. 

Body Flesh

As said, Soft Naturals and Soft Classic share the same body flesh. This is probably why so many people confuse the two body types.

They have visible fleshiness in their upper body, but it doesn’t give away a muscular appearance. Instead, their fleshiness makes them appear gently round and soft. 

However, it’s important to note when Soft Classics gain weight; it first appears on their waist. On the contrary, Soft naturals first gain weight on their arms, thighs, and hips. 

Face Flesh

Soft Classics have “yin” facial flesh, so they will have fuller cheeks and lips with a little definition in their jaws.

Other than that, they have delicate physical features, such as big eyes, small but wide noses, and proper symmetry in their right and left faces. 

Kibbe’s Soft Classic outfits and wardrobe selection

Soft Natural and Soft Classic styles share the same clothing shapes. However, their color, fabric, and pattern choices can make a real difference in their wardrobe. Soft Naturals goes with something natural, free, and artistic. 

soft natural vs soft classic

On the other hand, Soft Classic body type clothes go well with something disciplined, proper, classy, and elegant.

Also, Soft naturals can slay asymmetrical outfits. Such is not the case with Soft Classics; symmetry is the key element for Soft Classics when choosing their clothes. 

Another important thing to note is that Soft Naturals can pull off soft and lightweight fabrics.

However, Soft Classic clothes have to have material that’s not only soft and flowy but also classy.

So, material such as suede or boucle might not compliment someone with a soft classic body type. Its rough texture will scrap its otherwise elegant look.

So, the best fabric choices for someone with a Soft Classic body type would be silk, satin, cashmere, linen, or crepe. 

soft natural vs soft classic

What to wear as a Soft Classic?

  • Soft tailoring that allows an appropriate gentleness and softness to your overall outfit: You should avoid stiff or sharp tailoring while selecting your outfits. This can be achieved with soft fabric choices. 
  • Symmetry and a proper ratio are necessary while balancing your outfits. Asymmetry or improper ratio can throw off your otherwise balanced body.
  • Nude or formal colors best compliment someone with a Soft Classic body type and face type. 
  • Unlike Soft Naturals, who can slay separates, Soft Classics cannot carry multiple patterns in their outfits. Their pattern choices, such as polka dots or other lavish patterns, should be classy and subtle. 
  • When matching separates, they should have a color balance in their choices. For instance, a white shirt with navy blue pants or black pants. Too many colors and patterns don’t look good on SCs. 
  • While subtle frills compliment Soft Naturals, tailored pleats really bring out the best in Soft Classics. So, pleated skirts (long or short) and pants can really give your Soft Classic body type a classy boost. 
  • ¾ dress length is very appropriate and proper for SCs. It keeps them looking classy and romantic at the same time. To enhance your romantic undercurrent, you can always choose softer necklines (such as cowl or draped necklines.)
  • Too short or too long dresses aren’t the best choices for soft classics. A length closer to your knees (most preferably below the knee) would look great on you!

Soft Classic Hair and Makeup

Soft Classic hair should have a visually neat and clean appearance.

Too curly, messy, or sharp hairstyles don’t compliment Soft Classics.

A proper haircut that reaches your shoulder or slightly below is the best length for SCs. Your hairstyle shouldn’t be too natural, as it may appear out of control. 

Just like your overall appearance, your hairstyle should be proper, disciplined, and gelled.

A certain amount of shine is also appropriate, allowing a cleaner and less messy look.

As for the makeup, it should match your Soft Natural outlines. It should be subtle and natural.

Too much makeup will make you lose your elegance or classiness.

Wrapping up

Combining the Kibbe system, your seasonal color analysis, and Kitchener’s essence helps you collect the best outfits for your body type.

Kibbe’s style recommendation can often appear outdated compared to today’s fashion.

So, it’s best only to use Kibbe’s system to develop a base silhouette for yourself and basic rules while choosing your outfits.

Other than that, feel free to dive into the wide ocean that is today’s fashion. 

Iryna Fedorchak

[email protected]

Throwing my fashion & color philosophy like confetti ;)

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