Flamboyant Gamine Body Type For Wardrobe, Style, And Outfits

Are you wondering how Flamboyant Gamine Body Type looks and how to style it?
This article has all the answers!
The Flamboyant Gamine Body Type is placed in the centre of the Yin-Yang scale with an offset towards Yang.
As with the entire Gamine family, the proportions of Yin and Yang are eclectically mixed here, and in the Flamboyant Gamine, they additionally acquire a slight preponderance towards Yang.
Flamboyant Gamine is a type that makes a playful impression. David Kibbe called them “Cheeky-Chic“.
The height of the Flamboyant Gamine is low (petite), traditionally up to 168 cm, but there are exceptions (as, indeed, in all types).
The bone structure is slightly wide and angular. Often square shoulders, palms, and feet appear large for this height (elongated or broad).
The nose, cheekbones, and chin tend to be wide.
But here, it is essential to understand that not always everything is put together simultaneously.
For example, only the cheekbones are wide, the chin is more compact, or vice versa.
Remember that Gamine is an eclectic type. Flamboyant Gamine types often show such a combination: large rounded eyes – from Yin and a pointed nose – from Yang.
The body is thin in general. When overweight, it can look chunky and relatively dense.
The chest and hips are relatively flat at an average weight, and long legs are not uncommon.
The shape of the face is often rounded, but elongated is also a possible variant.
The cheekbones are well-defined, and the cheeks are sunken if there is no excess weight.
The eyes are usually large and round. Medium to full lips. But here, too, there are exceptions.
Flamboyant Gamine types become denser as they gain weight, and the silhouette becomes square in shape.
First, excess weight is gained from the waist down; they rarely gain much weight above the waist.
Hands and face may become heavy.
Like the pure type, Flamboyant Gamine combines extreme masculine and feminine traits.
At the same time, the influence of androgenic features is more significant.
The male element Yang clearly shows its presence, expressed in linear, angular, often broader bone structure, muscular body structure and specific personality traits.
Intense Yang energy created the image of a spontaneous woman, full of temperament and endowed with a bright sense of humour.
The presence of a specific youth of short height marks the female element of Yin.
Other characteristic features of Yin are large eyes and full lips.
The Flamboyant Gamine has a mixture of natural features, typically a more robust build, with wider, straighter arms and long, muscular arms and legs.
Flamboyant Gamine style is Sassy Chic. You have to guess that the author referred to extravagance rather than elegance.
Describing the right wardrobe draws a highly eccentric and quirky image.
The leading graphic symbol of the trait is a rhombus.
A thinner and more delicate face for any type is due to two somewhat mysterious but still existing natural elements.
And this is a mysterious-sounding ethereal (angelic), and ingenue (youthful innocence).
Both of these elements can be found in any type.
They appear together or separately in different people. They are often combined with types with a solid masculine Yang element.
Ethereal and ingenue paint female faces. While silhouettes still reflect the dominant traits of this type.
Combined with a special ethereal or girlishness, an androgenic figure is rather original but still present in nature.
Audrey Hepburn finds a combination of masculine and feminine features enriched with an ingenue element, making the image of unusually original beauty.
The girly, innocent face contrasts with the long and slender androgenic body.
Audrey was quite tall (but not too tall, somewhat slim looking). However, despite this, she fits perfectly into this type.
Even the waistline results from an inverted trapezoid (torso) and an elongated rectangle (hips and legs).
In the silhouette of Audrey Hepburn, we do not find the soft, curved lines characteristic of female silhouettes, marked with the yin element.
Seemingly petite, Audrey had broad, straight, long, muscular, and large (albeit slender) arms and legs.
Audrey’s authentic appearance amazed people who previously knew her only from photographs or movies.
In the film, Audrey, petite and very feminine, unexpectedly turned out to be on the taller side and angular.
Another less typical Flamboyant Gamine is sweet Vanessa Paradis.
The figure’s short stature and androgenic shape make Vanessa a prominent representative of the Gamine type.
However, her subtle features do not match the model’s image described by David Kibbe.
Vanessa’s face seems to be taken from a completely different type. It is more like Gamine than Flamboyant Gamine, but that’s not all.
Both ingenue and ethereal influence her sophisticated, attractive beauty.
Even if these elements are present in a small percentage, women’s beauty can no longer be classified as typically androgenic.
As a result, the clothing style should be different, especially for outerwear and everything around the face.
Flamboyant Gamine’s classic style should be relaxed, and you must enter the Yin elements and combine them with the Yang elements.
The overall outline of the figure must stay true to the style. However, the hairstyle and handline should have more delicate and complex lines.
The selection of wardrobe, accessories and makeup are discussed here.
- Height – from low to 170cm
- Long vertical lines (Flamboyant Gamine often appears taller than it is)
- Body type – rectangle (if plus-size, the silhouette becomes chunky and a little square)
- Shoulders – broad, square
- Arms and legs – long in relation to the body
- Palms and feet – large in relation to height (thin and long or square)
- Bust – small or medium (depending on the figure)
- Waist – straight or slightly curved
- Hips – straight, narrow, boyish
- Forearms – lean, muscular
- The lower part of the face is wider, square, and sometimes pointed, tapering towards an often elongated chin.
- Nose – medium or large
- Cheekbones – broad, can be well defined
- Eyes – usually prominent (characteristic of FG)
- Lips – slightly full or lush
- Cheeks – thin
Style Recommendations
Kibbe recommends asymmetry and irregular shapes.
Short and wide geometry with sharp or soft edges. Broad, slightly coarse forms. Sculptural forms.
A combination of opposite shapes works excellently here.
Adds brightness and energy to the image. Look in the direction of the narrow base of the image and, on the contrary, the broad details for contrast.
The silhouette is broken and sharp. Broken contours and sharp edges. Strictly straight or slightly straight lines.
Draperies or flowing lines can be used when elongated and used simultaneously as something very contrasting.
Since the combination of opposites in the image is excellent, you can take a narrow silhouette as a basis and put on something wide, bright, and asymmetrical on top, creating a stylish appearance of broken lines.
Let’s call it Picasso-style eclecticism.
The fabric should be light to medium in weight. The lighter the material is used, the more precise the silhouette sewn.
Very coarse and heavy fabric can be found on jackets and other individual elements – but they must be combined with a texture of the opposite quality.
It is possible to mix matte and glossy fabrics. Knits and stretch fabrics work well but should have a crisp silhouette.
Use details in abundance, in geometric lines and vibrant colors.
A Flamboyant Gamine reveals itself through vivid details. A sharp shoulder line is desirable.
Sculptural high necklines, such as a stand-up collar or regular ones, are suitable, but the shape is desirable asymmetric, pointed and precise.
The hem can be of any length – but in contrast to the top of the garment (e.g. long bottom, short top). The short size is usually very fit.
It is better to choose bright colors and combine them in bold contrast.
Print: bold and original, vibrant, medium to oversized. Asymmetrical, irregular shapes with solid color contrasts.
Jackets/blazers should be short, and the shoulders should be accentuated by a rigid line or a very clear, sculptural roundness.
Sometimes a more extended jacket model is possible if worn over very tight clothes, with a short skirt or cropped trousers.
The shape of the jacket is asymmetrical and irregular. Contrasting finishes and geometric details may be present.
Straight skirts – short and narrow. The hem is no longer than the middle of the knee and is often much shorter.
Pleated skirts can be worn, but the pleats should be stitched around the hips.
Again, the asymmetry in the waist area, the low waist and the asymmetry of the hem work great on the geometric lines.
Trousers. Men’s fit, dense fabric with deep pleats and cuffs. Short, showing ankle-length models.
They can even be significantly shortened. Skinny models made from stretch fabrics are also suitable.
Blouses. Slim, sculpted blouses with simple cutouts and geometric trim.
The fabric is medium in density and smooth and should be either matte or gleaming.
The presence of asymmetry in the cut will also be a good solution.
Knitwear. With an accentuated shoulder line. Not long. Drawings contain expressive geometry.
There may be images of animals and cartoon characters.
Dresses. Short/midi dresses with a clear cut. Narrow shape with pointed shoulders or sharp semicircles: asymmetrical details and contrasting trim.
The waist is lowered, and bright contrasting belts can be used.
Bags. Angular and asymmetrical (triangles, squares, elongated rectangles).
Good tight skin and flat shape. Bright colors, bold patterns, and unusual materials.
Decorations. Asymmetric, angular shapes, metal decorations, colored glass, and plastic are suitable.
You can experiment with lots of shine, bright colors, and polished metal!
Hairstyle. Asymmetric graphic haircuts, pixie and boy-like haircuts. The contour should be geometric but not rough.
Cutting in layers will add freshness. There are often short haircuts; long hair can be very forgiven. They need to be styled boldly.
Hair colour should be clean and expressive; you can choose the brightest palette shades, adding boldness and theatricality.
It is recommended to dye your hair in one tone, excluding all kinds of highlighting strands.
Makeup. Kibbe recommends using a sultry eye shadow, accentuated cheeks, and a deep lipstick color, and it is recommended to avoid gloss in makeup during the day.
Inverted triangle body shape – Capsule Wardrobe
Pear shaped body – Capsule Wardrobe
Apple body shape – Capsule Wardrobe